Saturday, November 24, 2007

Slayer Tips

Slayer in runescape is one skill that can be used by members to help train various combat skills up without really thinking about it.

Currently, I am level 97 slayer and I have trained my combat skills up through doing many slayer tasks - mainly getting my tasks from the shilo village slayer master as he gives out a decent number of high level monster tasks.

Slayer can be used for attack, strength, hitpoints, defense, range, prayer and magic skills - with most people using it primarly for melee based skills rather than mage or range. I currently try and do all my slayer tasks using either range or mage as I have already maxxed out the melee based skills.

Some simple slayer training tips:
1. Use a cannon when you are able to, this helps finish the task a lot quicker but will be costly over the long term
2. Use Shilo Village slayer master for the maximum number of monsters per task - he will give tasks with up to 199 monsters in them
3. Try and do 1 or 2 slayer tasks per day so that you continually gain some experience and work towards a goal of at least 85 slayer so you can fight abyssal demons for the abyssal whip
4. Players who can get ahold of the black mask should use this (players will need to have completed Rum Deal and Cabin Fever to fight cave horrors on Mos Le'Harmless).
5. A set of Guthan Armour can help to finish tasks quicker as there is less need to bank for food when fighting some tasks - although only use this if there are no special items required in the task such as a nosepeg or earmuffs.
6. Change your task if you do not want to do it - many people will change iron dragon tasks as it can take a long time to complete and therefore not be worthwhile. Although Jagex have limited the number of these monsters that will be given in a task, it is still a time consuming task.
7. Players can complete all quests that give slayer experience as a reward, most notably, Back to my Roots rewards 23,000 experience and The Path of Glouphrie rewards 20,000 experience.
8. Players wanting to get the quickest tasks to complete may prefer to use Edgeville or Canifis as they are likely to give decent quantities of monsters that can be finished quicker than Shilo or Lost City slayer masters.

The list of slayer tips is not exhaustive, but will give some good guidance to players who want to get their slayer level to at least level 85 for fighting Abyssal Demons. Any player who wishs to add tips can comment on this brief guide or can contact me and I will update the tips.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tips for Runescape Money Making

Runescape tips are easily found on many sites or easily picked up as players gain experience on the game. I am looking at trying to get more regular tips onto this blog and including some videos that show some tips in action.

This video is basically showing low level or inexperienced players how they can quickly get earning some money in runescape. The basic overview is:

Step 1: 0 - 100k - Collecting Cow Hides

  • Cow hides can quickly be collected in various locations for f2p players. The main places are Lumbridge, south of Falador and beside the Crafting Guild.
Step 2: Selling Cow Hides
  • If you sell at 100gp each you will need to collect more cow hides. However, it is generally easier to get 150gp each cow hide if you have a large stock - preferably with more than 1000 stockpiled.
Step 3: 100k - 1mil - Merchant Iron Arrows
  • Iron arrows used to have much greater demand. There is still a market for them but the profit margin is low. Aim to buy at 21gp each (or lower) and sell for 25gp each (or higher if at all possible).
Step 4: 1mil - 5mil - Merchant Yew Logs
  • Yew logs are always in demand and generally will sell at lower prices on f2p worlds. The maximum price a merchanter should buy yews for is 300gp. They will need to sell at a higher price and can expect to get around 320gp per log.
That is the basic overview of the video and all points are quite basic. However, that is the simple truth, making money on runescape is simple - it just requires a bit of effort for people to try and earn some initial money so they can start to look into merchanting items.

For people wanting to watch the video I have embedded it here as well for your enjoyment.

Hopefully I get back around to updating this runescape tips blog along with the other blogs so that all aspects of the game get covered.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Training Combat

Melee is an important aspect in runescape and many players achieve a high overall combat level through long hours of training. It would be nice to have a more efficient method to train combat... and it is possible to improve efficiency.

Overall combat is made up of melee, mage and range as well as prayer skill. Although players do tend to favour one style of combat over the other.

Anyway, I was browsing through several runescape help sites and came across runecrypts' training combat guide. There is a lot of information packed onto the page and it covers each aspect of combat training (well, it doesn't mention prayer as part of combat, but everything else seems to be there - including some training locations).

A very brief summary of that combat guide:

  • Level 1-20 train on cows near lumbridge or on chickens or on goblins nearby
  • Level 20-30 train on cows, dark wizards or skeletons
  • Level 30-40 train on guards
  • Level 40-60 train on experiments or elemental monsters (members) or hill giants
  • Level 60-99 pest control, experiements, giant skeletons (members) or lesser demons
For training range:
  • Level 1-40 Cows
  • Level 40-60 Dark Wizard Tower
  • Level 60-99 Fire Giants, Blue Dragons, Pest Control (members) or Lesser demons
For training mage:
  • Level 1-45 Casting Air Strike on Cows
  • Level 39-55 Varrock Sewers
  • Level 45-55 Camelot Teleport (members)
  • Level 55-99 High Alchemy
Hopefully that is a brief guide to trainin combat on runescape covered and that there are enough tips for both members and free to play people to enjoy their training.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Runescape Cooking Tips

Cooking in runescape is a skill that is easy to raise compared to many of the other available skills. It is equally important for free to play runescape characters as well as runescape members. On free to play there are a lot more limitations, although lobster and swordfish do provide decent cooking experience.

The aim for all runescape players when cooking is to burn as little food as possible. This is normally a lot easier for members as they can wear the cooking gauntlets rewarded from the family crest quest. Although free to play runescape characters simply need 5 additional cooking levels to get the same benefits.

Free to play Runescape Cooking:

  • Level 15 required to cook trout - Trout is cheap to buy and will give 70 experience for each on successfully cooked. It might be wise to get to know a member who is training their fishing skill at Shilo Village - as they can quickly bank salmon and trout and are highly unlikely to cook the trout. They may be willing to sell cheaply or even give for free as I have done in the past.
  • Level 20 required to cook salmon - Salmon is a bit more appealing to members to cook than trout, although many members may well sell cheaply to non-members. Alternatively, non-members may fish them at barbarian village river fishing spot.
  • Level 40 cooking required for Lobsters - Lobsters are a staple food on runescape for both members and free to play worlds. These can be fished at Karamja on free to play worlds and at multiple locations on member worlds. 120 experience for each lobster successfully cooked can really help non-members get high level cooking easily. Level 75+ cooking is required to be able to cook them without burning any.
Runescape Member Cooking Tips:
In addition to any tips for non members, all runescape members can take advantage of the vast amount of foods available to cook. However my preference still lies with different fish available - namely members are able to cook shark.

Each shark gives 210 experience when successfully cooked and can be bought easily at world 18 in Edgeville Bank. Level 76 cooking is required to be able to cook shark and so members can easily train their cooking skill up via lobsters if they desire until they can cook shark.

At level 76 cooking, even when wearing the cooking gauntlets, a lot of shark are likely to get burnt. As cooking level increases, the number of shark being burnt will reduce. Eventually, at level 95 cooking and wearing the cooking gauntlets, runescape members will be able to cook shark without burning any.

It should therefore be relatively straightforward training cooking from level 95 to level 99 via sharks. It shouldn't really cost anything either as cooked sharks can be sold at Edgeville Bank or at other locations for the same price as raw sharks cost.

Friday, April 27, 2007

More Runescape Melee Tips

As mentioned before, runescape combat and melee in particular, is one of the most highly desired things in the game. Jagex have made it a lot easier over the years to raise combat quicker, although it is primarily runescape members who benefit rather than free to play people as the easiest way to train melee is through the Pest Control mini game.

Anyway, since Jagex are unlikely to radically overhaul combat training for free to play runescape, it stands to reason that there must be some decent spots for training. Obviously there are some spots, but not ideal. Especially given the fact training is more limited as there are fewer monsters and areas to enter.

Some free to play runescape melee training locations are:

  • Ice Warriors in the dungeon south of Port Sarim
  • Black Knights Castle
  • Wilderness Hobgoblin Mine
As stated, it is not ideal locations although decent experience points can be gained at these locations. Players should note that the hobgoblin mine will be risky as pkers may also attack you in that location. This mine is also an effective place to train your runescape mining.

In addition, all runescape players should note in order to train melee effectively they should aim to be hitting monsters often and causing damage. This relates to a previous post I made and a guideline I normally follow when I actively trained my runescape combat. A basic reminder is to aim to fight monsters at about half your current combat level and to fight them with a quick weapon... normally a scimitar or something at the same speed.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Runescape Combat Tip

Runescape combat tips are essential to help players quickly advance their levels and gain greater rewards from higher level monsters. Many runescape players over estimate their strengths and under estimate their weaknesses when fighting some monsters. This can lead to heavy losses in virtual wealth over time.

This runescape tip is a brief guide that can be followed by both members and free to play players. In general, any tip for free to play runescape can also be applied to members - with members being able to have access to more resources, areas and tips in general.

Training combat in runescape effectively is easy when following some basic principles. This is what I generally do when I am training:

  1. Always ensure you are wearing appropriate equipment for the monster you are going to train on
  2. Always have a stockpile of food if wanting to train for long periods of time
  3. Never take too many risks - if your health is low and your inventory of food has finished, the safest thing is to teleport back to a bank and restock instead of adding additional risk by fighting just one more monster
  4. Always pay attention when fighting monsters that can hit hard or often
  5. Always have teleport runes so you can quickly escape any danger if needed
Following those basic tips for training combat in runescape, you should ensure that you never suffer any unnecessary or premature deaths. The more time you spend actually fighting, the greater the amount of experience you will be able to accumulate.

In addition to this, if I was training combat I would set a specific goal to try and achieve. By setting a goal I can keep motivated to achieve it much easier. Particularly in free to play, combat training is much more limited. However, I do try and work to this basic outline when in training mode to improve the efficiency:
  • Monsters will be around half of my current combat level
  • I will use quick weapons like a rune scimitar instead of a heavy weapon such as the rune 2 hand sword
Following both of those runescape tips, I will be able to maintain a quick training rate as I will be able to hit the monsters quite often and will be less likely to get surprised by the damage they can inflict. This is a safe way to train and has enabled me to suffer very few deaths to monsters since I started playing runescape.

All players must bear in mind that any runescape tip is just that, a tip, a piece of advice. It can be taken with a grain of salt and ignored or it can be followed and actively used. It will help some people while many others may prefer to always add risk into their training as it gives them more reason to improve their combat.

Free to play runescape has significant limitations but it is not impossible to get a good level of combat. It just takes time as many of the popular training locations will often be busy. If this is the case, players can also look at training non-combat skills in order to build up their virtual wealth or stockpile fish to help them with their future combat training.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Runescape Inventory

Runescape inventories are often overlooked by players when they are setting out on their adventures. Failure to check your runescape inventory can lead to the loss of valuable items or large sums of money.

A simple check to ensure nothing of value is in your inventory before venturing into the runescape wilderness or an aggressive area can really help save money and items in the long term. This is even more true when there are a number of ingame runescape scams that can affect a player, although Jagex have taken some preventative measures to address the known issues, some dubious players will still try and scam others in similar ways.

Players should only ever take an item into the wilderness if they are fully prepared to lose it. Obviously they may not always lose in the wild, but they should be able to easily afford any replacement items if they happen to die through being pked.

Back on to the runescape inventory, I have heard many people through the years complain of losing a lot of stuff they forgot they had with them. Common items lost include:

  • Coins - large stacks of coins, sometimes in the millions
  • Large stacks of runes (air, fire, chaos runes etc)
  • Rare items - santa hats in particular that are then quickly picked up by others
  • Valuable items such as barrows for members
Overall, if people simply checked to ensure they are not carrying an excessive amount of cash (anything over 50k is normally excessive unless you have the cash specifically to buy something costing greater than 50k), players would save millions in the long term. Similarly, players should just check and ensure when they are going into the wilderness or an aggressive area of runescape that they do not have any extra or spare items that would be better off stored in their bank.

As I said, it is a very simple runescape tip but one that is very commonly overlooked. It is often the case, people look to gain advantages through searching for runescape cheats when they really only need to take care of the basics and prevent their own stupidity. It is this stupidity prevention that will truly give them a competitive advantage over the majority of other players and be more rewarding in the long term than any so called runescape cheat.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Runescape Mining

Runescape mining is one of the most effective ways for players to earn money in runescape. Players who are not members are more restricted in what ores they can mine, however, a good amunt of virtual wealth can still be built up over time - even on free worlds.

Free to Play:
Although mine locations and ores are more limited on free to play runescape, the following is a list of ores and locations players can still build up their virtual wealth:

  • Rune Essence - Rune Essence Mine
  • Iron Ore - Dwarven Mines and East Varrock Mine
  • Silver - Crafting Guild
  • Coal - Mining Guild, Hobgoblin Mine
  • Gold - Crafting Guild
  • Mithril - Hobgoblin Mine
As mentioned, the ores for runescape mining are more limited, however free to play on runescape is always more limiting - afterall, Jagex want people to upgrade to membership. In saying that, players can eagerly accumulate any of the above ores in bulk and can then use it for themselves or find people looking to buy in bulk.

Runescape Members:
In addition to the ores and locations for free to play people, runescape members can readily use the following:
  • Pure Essence - Rune Essence Mine
  • Iron Ore - Ardougne Mines
  • Coal - Coal Trucks or Miscellania
  • Gold - Mines west and south west of brimhaven
Of course that is not all possible locations or ores that people can mine, however, it does list the more profitable and in demand ores. Runescape members are more likely to benefit more than non-members simply due to the fact they can make better use of ores themselves as rings of forging will enable them to get 100% pure iron whereas free to play people will suffer 50% loss due to impurity.

There is a runescape mining chart that players can check out and can help maintain and improve it simply by registering on my runescape help site. I am seeking quality guide writers as I plan to develop the site to be more comprehensive in all aspects of the game.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Runescape Attack Tips

Runescape tips are common for many skills in the game, however, many people overlook the fact that combat is one of the widest used combination of skills. Consequently, many runescape players are highly inefficient when training their melee stats.

With the introduction of Pest Control as a minigame, Jagex have made it a lot easier for players to effectively train their overall combat - well runescape members at least. This still leaves a large amount of the playing population at a loss when looking for specific tips to help train their runescape attack skill.

The runescape tips compiled for attack are predominantly focussed on members, however, if players have any specific tips that have been omitted from inclusion on the list they can comment on this post or alternatively register on runescape help site and submit a guide for their own tips.

The more people that submit runescape tips for any specific skill the better. It will help build a comprehensive reference point for tips that are within Jagex rules. Obviously tips are things that will help people rather than runescape cheats that will only result in hampering people - especially if players who cheat in runescape get caught by Jagex.

As mentioned, the attack tips are not extensive and can always be added to, so I would urge any runescape players who feel they can add to this list to either get in contact via the runescape help web site (or register on it) or to comment on this post to get your tips included.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Runescape Agility Tips

Agility in runescape is a member only skill and is often overlooked in how useful it may be in order to help people get where they need to go quicker. Runescape agility enables players to access short-cuts or specific areas that require a minimum agility level. The agility tips for runescape have been compiled in order to give players some insight into how useful the skill can be and how to make use of their existing agility level.

The runescape tip compilation for agility is not complete, as there are many other tips than can be added. If any player has any additional runescape tips for agility they can register on the site and submit a comment - or players can use the contact form available on the main runescape help site that I operate. Bear in mind is a help site and not an official Jagex site and I am not able to help in any runescape account enquiries.

There are numerous other tips available on the runescape help site and I will update this blog to highlight all the tips over the coming weeks. Players can bookmark this site to their favourite social bookmarking tool or can bookmark and register on the main runescape help site so they can access all runescape tip compilations easier.